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Sean James, the Master Entrepreneur ™, author, educator, speaker and communications guru. From a vision to several fully staffed agencies, Sean wants you to Dream It, Build It and Sell It.


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Sean Isaiah James is the chief executive officer and founder of Sean James and Associates, LLC headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia with offices in Los Angeles , California and New York City. Sean is the Master Entrepreneur™ a term he coined that uniquely describes his entrepreneurial endeavors. 

The Master



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Dream It. Build It. Sell It.

Mastermind with Sean 

Are you ready to take bold steps and make a bigger impact? Or perhaps, simply wanting to dive in and experience something new and transformational? We invite you to join Sean James on an exclusive VIP mastermind. This is your opportunity to focus on you. To take time out. To be supported, celebrated, encouraged and inspired. Set yourself up for success as we walk through powerful processes to find clarity, set powerful goals and have massive breakthroughs. Don't wait- the start of a new year and all its potential is just around the corner, so act now and let Sean help you make the most of it!


Dream It. Build It. Sell It.™  

Circle Online

You need a community, collaboration is the currency of the wealthy. Join a group of business owners, entrepreneurs who are actually about their business. No worries, we throughly vet all members prior to accepting membership. 

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Through the Dream It. Build It. Sell It.™ Academy Sean helps aspiring and current entrepreneurs get clear on their vision, develop strategies for success and growth to effectively deliver products and services to market in excellence at their own pace with Sean as their coach. 

Your Vision Will Not Execute Itself

Dream It. Build It. Sell It.

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Sean James, the Master Entrepreneur ™, author, educator, speaker, podcast host, and passionate storyteller.

Mailing Address

4751 Best Road, Suite 209

Atlanta, GA 30337

Appointments Only


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Legal disclaimer: The information contained on this site and our guides are for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice, nor does it substitute for legal advice. Persons seeking legal advice should consult with legal counsel familiar with their particular situation as laws vary by state.

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